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Mon Sep 26th, 2011 @ 8:10pm

Lieutenant JG Reittan Ral

Name Reittan Ral

Position Ship's Counselor

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 27
Date of Birth December 13, 2358
Place of Birth Rixx, Betazed
Nicknames/Aliases “Reit”-Nickname given to him during the time of the Academy

Physical Appearance

Height 5’9”
Weight 165 LBS
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Reittan is an average sized Betazoid male, being around 5’9” tall and being around 165 pounds. Reittan has a scar on his left leg where he had to have surgery after an accident during an Academy rugby game, but decided not to get it removed.


Father Andrus Ral
Mother Shannara Ral
Brother(s) Amanin Ral-23
Sister(s) Kestra Ral-21
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Reittan is a warm-hearted Betazoid male, with highly focused abilities. Reittan tends to be a good listener and friend, since he grew up being the one who his friends came to for advices and he learned to be a good listener. He also has a sweet tooth for vanilla ice cream, for which he had since he was kid. Reittan still doesn’t trust the Dominion and the Jem’Hadar for what they did to his planet and the Betazoid people.
Strengths *Very Compassionate person
*Strong empathic and telepathic abilities
*Very good listener
*Makes friends with everyone easily
*Learns things easily
*Will do anything for his friends and crewmates
Weaknesses *Still carries a little emotional turmoil that he still feels due to living on Betazed during the time of the occupation
*Still a little uneasy around the Jem’Hadar and the Dominion, even a decade after the Dominion war has ended
*Doesn’t know a lot about engineering, even with his time in the resistance
Ambitions To eventually have a command of his own and to learn all that he can learn along the way. Also, he wants to be the best counselor that he can be
Hobbies & Interests *Playing instruments from Earth and Betazed (especially the Clarinet and the Flute)
*Abnormal Psychology
*Learning new languages
*Playing the Dixon Hill Holonovels
Likes *Vanilla Ice cream
*Learning to play new instruments other worlds
*Uttaberry Pie
*Dixon Hill Holonovels
Dislikes *Coffee
*Vulcan food (said it was too bland)
*The Dominion and the Jem’Hadar
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard, Betazoid

Personal History

Personal History Reittan was born on the planet Betazed in the city of Rixx, to Shannara and Andrus Ral. He was born to the Second House of Betazed, the house of compassion. Reittan's family were compassionate people and made sure they were everyday. Reittan's mother, Shannara, was a Starfleet officer who worked on the Starship Endeavor as the ship's Counselor. His father, Andrus, was also a Starfleet officer who worked as the ship's Engineer. But, after Reittan was born on Betazed, they knew they couldn't give their children a good life on a starship, so they decided to stay on Betazed until Reittan and his siblings grew up.

So, they decided to settle down in the city of Rixx, in a small house on the outskirts of the city. Shannara studied to become a teacher at a local school and Andrus helped out with Starfleet group in Rixx as an engineer. As Reittan grew up, he learned a lot of compassion from his parents and became a very caring person and followed him throughout his teenage and adult years. As Reittan grew into adolescence, he grew into telepathic and empathic abilities. It was a little chaotic at the beginning. But, he worked hard at controlling his abilities and was able to focus his abilities to the point where he learned to project his emotions empathically. At first, he wasn't quite sure what to do with that ability, but quickly used it to help people. He would help the people feel better when they were down and as Reittan grew up, he knew this would become something he could do as a career.

When he got into High School, many people were talking about their fears of the Dominion and it caused Reittan to pick up the emotions of his classmates and it brought his spirits down a little bit down, but he kept a smile on his face and continued to help to keep his classmates spirits up as much as possible. But, when the Dominion invaded in 2374, Reittan and his family were separated and he went into hiding. He was able to continue learning, but it was harder due to the Dominion controlling the planet.

During the time that the Dominion controlled the planet and Reittan’s hiding, he began to help the resistance that was formed to fight off the Dominion and the Jem’Hadar. He had to move to different parts of the planet, but primarily stayed near the city of Rixx. Since he was able to project empathically, he helped by making some of the Jem’Hadar turn on one another, projecting paranoia and anger onto them. Thus, this has made Reittan a little rattled, since he had to project a lot of bad things onto the Jem’Hadar. He was caught a few times while trying to help the resistance, since he was so close to the capital of Betazed. The Dominion did quite a number on him, but luckily he was able to escape with some help from the people in the resistance on every occasion. He would start having flashbacks of this for several years after this about what they would do to him. But, near the end of the occupation, he was a part of the group of people that sent out invasive empathic projection onto the Jem’Hadar to help try and get rid of the Dominion on their planet. He was one of only a few people that survived the ordeal and recovered quickly.

After the Dominion left the planet and his recovery, he went out to try and find his family. He was able to find most of his family and slowly eased his way back into regular school. But, he did lose a lot of his extended family, like his grandparents and several aunts and uncles. He also searched for his parents and younger brother and sister, who he thought were lost during the occupation. They were separated early on in the occupation and Reittan was worried that the Dominion might have done something horrible to them. He searched for over several months while trying to complete High School and found his siblings fairly quickly, within a month or two. But, he wasn’t able to find his parents that quickly. It took him over three or four months of searching to finally find them. But, once reunited, Reittan felt a great weight off of his shoulders and a sense of relief. Even though he had lost quite a big portion of his family, he at least didn’t lose all of his family. But, the horrors that Reittan saw and felt did take a toll on him and it did take him quite a few years before he was able to get any closure about the events on his planet. But, Reittan graduated a year after the war ended with high marks from his teachers.

When he graduated High School, he wasn’t sure where he wanted to go to. He was considering Starfleet Academy, since they were the peacekeepers of the Federation, but he was also considering Enaren University and the University of Betazed, since they both had big programs for psychology. After talking it over with his family and some close friends, he finally decided to go to Starfleet Academy, since he wanted to help out the Federation after the devastation left by the Dominion.

So, Reittan took the entrance exam for the academy and passed it and headed off to the academy when the term started. In his first year there, he decided to head off to Medical School, for their Counselling school, since he was able to help a lot of people out when he was in High school and during the occupation. During his time at the academy, his fellow cadets gave him the nickname of Reit since everyone thought saying his full name was hard and thus, he got his nickname.

During his time in the academy, Reittan played Rugby and Soccer for the Academy team. He worked hard at becoming a better player and eventually became captain of both teams. Reittan also did really good in his classes at the academy. He wanted to make his siblings and parents proud and even try and see if he could do a little bit better than his parents did at the academy. He managed to get straight As and Bs through his four years at the academy, surpassing both of his parents.

But, Reittan started having flashbacks to the occupation a little bit during his first year at the academy. The professors didn’t notice it at first, but quickly caught on and wondered if Reittan would be a good candidate for the Counselor’s program, since he had a few ghosts in his past. He started to break down a little bit emotionally and it got a little worse when he saw the horrors of other occupations, like the Bajoran occupation. But, he got help with some Counselors at the academy and with that little bit of help, he was able to overcome all of his ghosts of his past and learned how to control his emotions of the occupation a little bit better. It also made him a better counselor because he was able to relate a little bit better to his patients since he went through the occupation. He knew that he would always bear the weight of the occupation on his shoulders, since living through it, but he tried to use it to his advantage in helping other people. He still might feel some of the scars of his past, but he has learned how to overcome the emotions and turn them into something beneficial that he can use even to his time in Starfleet.

Upon his graduation from the academy in 2380, he was posted to the USS Budapest, as a Counselor's Aide. He was a Counselor's Aide for two months before becoming a full time Counselor. In 2381, the ship came under attack from an armada of Borg vessels and the Chief Counselor was lost in the attack. The ship survived the attack, but a lot of the crew was lost due to the invasion by the Borg. So, when the ship was repaired and ready to get underway, the Commanding Officer asked Counselor Ral if he wanted the Chief Counseling position and Ral readily accepted it and has been the Chief Counselor for the past four years aboard the USS Budapest.
Education 2363-2369: Primary School on Betazed
2369-2372: Middle School on Betazed
2372-2376: Secondary School on Betazed
2376-2380: Starfleet Academy

Professional History

Service Chronology 2376-2380: Cadet (Starfleet Academy)
2380: Ensign (USS Budapest)
2381: Lt. (J.G.) (USS Budapest)
2381-2384: Lt. (S.G.) (USS Budapest)
Service Record After graduating from the academy, Mr. Ral was given his commission and the rank of Ensign and was assigned to the Budapest. After serving for several months as the Counselor’s Aide, he was promoted to the rank of Lt. (J.G.) and to the position of Counselor. When the Chief Counselor onboard was killed during the Borg invastion of 2381, he was promoted yet again to the rank of Lt. and to the position of Chief Counselor.

Medical Information

Medical Profile Mr. Ral suffered numerous injuries during his time with the Resistance during the occupation of the planet Betazed. He has suffered several broken arms, legs and two broken noses, alongside other wounds. But, those wounds have long since healed and Mr. Ral has recovered without incident.
Reittan Ral has suffered numerous injuries while playing on the Academy Rugby and Soccer team. During one of his Rugby games, he was up in the air, trying to get the ball into the opposing team's net and he tried to miss landing on one of the other players and landed in an awkward position, breaking his entire right leg. He had to have surgery on his leg and there is a scar on his right leg, but decided not to get it removed.

Reittan also suffered several second and third degree burns to the chest, face, arms, and hands when the USS Budapest was attacked by the Borg armada in orbit of Andoria during the invasion of 2381. The wounds were healed and Counselor Ral was fit to return to duty after the wounds healed.
Psychological Profile Cadet Ral, being a full Batazoid male, exhibits the telepathic and empathic abilities of his race. He was able to focus his abilities and was able to focus his abilities enough to have the ability of empathic impression. With his amount of focus with his abilities, he has been able to accomplish quite a few things in his career, such as helping other Betazoids focus their abilities and helping his patients out. He also exhibits the warm-hearted nature commonly found in Betazoids, making him a good counsellor.

As for living through the Dominion War on his home planet, he seems to have turned out a well-rounded person. But, with war, no matter, there will always be a little apprehension. Whenever we talked about the events during the war, he tenses up a little bit since he was a part of the population that used their empathic abilities to ward off the Jem’Hadar and the Dominion during the war. Also, he does still bear the scars of the occupation, but has learned how to use it to help other people and has become a good Counselor with it.

During his first year at the academy, he started having flashbacks to the occupation and thus, Starfleet put him under my care. But, as he progressed through his first year, and then subsequently, other years at Starfleet Academy, he got stopped having flashbacks and learned to control the emotions surrounding the occupation a little better.

So, it is my conclusion that Cadet Ral is fit to start out as a Starfleet officer and may do so upon graduation from this academy.

Dr. Jonathan Dayz M.D., Ph.D.
Resident Psychiatrist
Starfleet Academy

