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Thu Sep 1st, 2011 @ 8:25pm

Ensign Nathan Davis

Name Nathan Arthur Davis

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31
Date of Birth Sept. 23, 2355
Place of Birth San Francisco, Earth
Nicknames/Aliases Phoenix

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 1"
Weight 173lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Nathan has a well built, athletic frame, handsome facial features, and a small scar on his left temple from a little training accident.


Father Admiral Charles Davis (MIA, 2366)
Mother Commander Amber Davis (Deceased, 2380)
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Over the years, Nathan has developed an incredible sense of humour, possibly as a way of dealing with his father’s strange disappearance when he was young. Whatever the reason, it seemed to change his life for the better. He gained the nickname of ‘Phoenix’ from his “rise from the ashes” of his father’s disappearance.
He tries to find humour in everyday situations, good or bad, to try and keep the mood light. Keeping those around him happy and content is one of his main goals in life. He is a very selfless individual, always thinking of others before himself.
The many friends he has, he tries to keep close and protect as much as he can. Without his friends, he would be lost.
Strengths Nathan loves to tinker with things, always disassembling any sort of electronic device he can get his hands on to learn what makes it tick. He has never had a problem reassembling and modifying whatever he works with, even letting his humour slip into his work.
Nothing ever seems to really bother Nathan. All throughout his school years, some of his classmates would try and poke fun at him for not having a father, or other senseless. Nathan, however, would always brush it off with a light hearted joke.
Weaknesses Nathan tends to be somewhat competitive, never turning down a challenge. He can also be cocky in some of the work he does, causing something unexpected and, more often than not, dangerous.
Ambitions Ever since he was able to walk, Nathan has dreamed of being a part of Starfleet. He wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father and command a starship, exploring the galaxy and finding new species and technologies.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, Writing, and Tinkering with anything he can get his hands on; Sports on the Holodeck, and designing starships.
Likes Classical music, Broadway showtunes, Shakespeare, Activity, spending time with friends.
Dislikes Lots of noise, being alone
Linguistic Abilities Starfleet Standard

Personal History

Personal History 2355 – 2566
The first eleven years of Nathan’s life were what would have been expected for a normal child. He had all the friends he wanted, and was perfectly happy with parents that loved him. In 2566 however, that was all turned upside down.
Nathan’s father was on a routine trip out to the New Providence colony on Jouret IV before all contact was lost with the colony, and his father’s ship. It was learned soon after that the colony had been annihilated by a Borg cube, but no sign of Admiral Davis’ ship was found. This sent Nathan and his mother into almost a year period of seclusion from the world.
2367 – 2380
After the Admiral’s disappearance, Nathan tried to continue his schooling and keep his mind off of the recent disaster, but the Battle of Wolf 359 made that difficult. After the Borg Cube was destroyed in orbit over Earth, Everything returned to normal, bringing on Nathan’s change in character, and his nickname ‘Phoenix.’
Nathan completed his schooling, and took time to take care of his aging mother before entering Starfleet academy at age 25. Shortly after his induction into the academy in 2380, his mother died in her sleep of natural causes (DNR orders).
2380 – 2386
Nathan went through the academy learning Subspace Physics and Warp Theory, spurring his interest in starship design and technology. He graduated from Starfleet academy in 2384, and spent two years designing new technologies and starships in the Starfleet Headquarters Office of Retrofit and Design.
Education Starfleet Academy

Professional History

Service Chronology 2380 to 2381 – Starfleet Academy - General Studies Cadet
2381 to 2382 – Starfleet Academy – Engineering Cadet
2382 to 2383 – Starfleet Academy – Engineering Cadet
2383 to 2384 – Starfleet Academy – Engineering Cadet
2384 to 2385 – Starfleet Command Retrofit and Design – Ensign
2386 – Starfleet Command Retrofit and Design – Lieutenant
Service Record Certifications: Warp Theory, Basic Engineering, Shuttle Piloting, Subspace physics, Starship Design & Retrofit

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile

