
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Wed Feb 2nd, 2011 @ 10:52am

Lieutenant Walter Suder

Name Walter Peter Suder

Position Ship's Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human / Betazoid
Age 34
Date of Birth January 15, 2353
Place of Birth Betazed

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 185
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Walter Suder is ruggedly handsome. He carries himself with proper posture. He is well groomed and always clean shaven. He is atheltic and has a hint of a muscular tone due to daily visits at the gymnasium.


Spouse None; single
Father Commander Darius Holt [Deceased]
Mother Yaxara Suder
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Walter Suder is a gentleman of amicable spirit. He is both supportive and approachable towards colleagues and friends. He has a genuine and open heart. He is down-to-earth. He has a respectful sense of humour. He goes out of his way to welcome new crewmembers and open to new cultures and traditions. He always sees the good in people and in humanity.
Strengths Empathic
Strong hearted
Sees good in people and humanity
Overprotective of others
Considers others above himself
Weaknesses Weaknesses
Sees good in people and humanity
Overprotective of others
Considers others above himself
Ambitions Walter Suder wishes to continue helping others. He has expressed on occasion to teach Counselling at Starfleet Academy when he's “old and gray”.
Hobbies & Interests Playing a variety of sports including rugby, football (soccer), baseball, tennis, field and ice hockey. He is also an avid reader of non-fiction into subjects of history, current events and political science, philosophy and pyschology. He is also interested in learning and trying new things. He is a frequent visitor at the ship's gynasium and encourages fellow crewmembers and friends to choose a healthy lifestyle.
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard, Betazoid

Personal History

Personal History Walter Suder was born on January 15, 2353 in the result of an evening encounter between his Betazoid mother Yaxara Suder, a civil servant from Betazed and his father Commander Darius Holt, a senior diplomatic officer. The too met at a diplomatic reception in Paris, France. Walter would meet his father for the first time before starting his studies at Starfleet Academy. His father would receive the captaincy of the USS Ivanhoe NCC-2491 which was lost with all hands at the start of the Dominion War.

Walter Suder joined Starleet at in 2370 at the age of seventeen after graduation from pre-post secondary studies. Walter first encountered his special ability of empathy albiet limited in comparison to full-blooded Betazoids and like half-breeds such as Commander Deanna Troi. He can only use the ability within close proximity. He first felt overwhelmed in large groups of people but over the years has been able to build up a barrier.

Walter passionately wanted to use his gift to help others and got involved in peer-counselling program at Starfleet Academy. He originally was studying diplomatic studies at Starfleet Academy after he was advised by his academic counsellor and instructors to transfer to the Counselling Program.
Education Starfleet Academy - Counselling & Psychology

Professional History

Service Chronology
Service Record 2370—2375: Counselling Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2375—2378: Ensign, Counsellor, USS Journeyman
2378—2381: Lieutenant JG, Counsellor, USS Journeyman
2381—2386: Lieutenant, Chief Counsellor, USS Journeyman
2386—Present: Lieutenant, Chief Counsellor, USS Arizona

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile

