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Mon Feb 27th, 2012 @ 10:11pm

Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani

Name Xishaal Thalev Idrani

Position Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Andorian
Age 32
Date of Birth 2354
Place of Birth Andoria
Nicknames/Aliases "Azul" or Challorn

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 165lbs
Hair Color Silver/White
Eye Color Light Green
Physical Description Xishaal (Kai-Shawl) physical form is more roubust than that of a normal Andorian woman. While her bone structure is more roubust looking than the usual, willowy frame, typical of Andorians. She has lt. green eyes and silvery white hair. Upon first reporting to a non Andorian Starfleet vessel, she appears as a tall woman with short hair and her physical stature seems closer to a Human than the normal willowy Andorain female.


Spouse Thal'en
Children None
Father Thol'reth
Mother Zhya'es
Brother(s) Shrath, Th'len, A'kaas, Kraan
Sister(s) Xiaan, Viryia, Kores, Shaaya
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Xishaal presents herself as a typical Andorian, She doesn't engage in idle talk or activities that in her cultural view, have no purpose to her life. She is a proud and loyal Andorian first and foremost and a loyal Starfleet officer second. She loves a challenge and always looks to test the limits of her abilities and those of the craft she is in command of.
Strengths Extremely intelligent, intuitive officer, goal oriented and focused. Emotional self-control and ability to remain focused on tasks assigned to her. Her emotional detachment to certain situations allows her to remain objective
Weaknesses Lack of interest in other crew members on a personal level, tends to isolate herself from most interpersonal contact not related to her position. She tends to be noticed but rarely approached. Prone to violent outbursts when provoked
Ambitions To pilot the best ships Starfleet and the Andorian Military has to offer.
to one day sit in the center chair and command her own ship.
Hobbies & Interests Xishaal has an interest in art and creativity and outside of studying martial arts, she does not engage in what she considers to be "futile" pursuits
Likes Bladed weapons, piloting star ships, classic Andorian art and design, Seeking new challenges and overcoming them.
Dislikes Human humor, Idleness, Vulcans and Romulans
Linguistic Abilities Andorian, Federation Standard, Vulcan, Romulan and some Klingon

Personal History

Personal History The Andorian Government, under growing and immense pressure to deal with the realization that they as a race, were becoming extinct. This is partly due to the requirement of their procreation process. A secret group within the Science division began working on genetic manipulation and DNA re-sequencing that would help their people evolve and survive this catastrophe.

Xishaal, a product of theses efforts, is one of 8 born to parents who are neither Zhen or Shen or Thaan and chen but instead are closer to being wholly female or male. This has allowed this new generation of Andorians to be free of the longstanding cultural and bilogical requirement to choose 3 other mates, in order to reproduce.

Xishaal received her military training on the planet of Indarax, where she showed much promise and was inducted into the Starfleet Academy Adorian campus there. Upon her graduation, Xishaal immediately began her service upon Andorian Imperial Guard Vessels and later trasfer to Starfleet Vessels crewed wholly by Andorians.

Xishaal's bond mate, Thal'en, has requested the "Whole Vessel Law" in order to allow the two of them to serve in Starfleet and the Imperial Guard respectively before starting a family together.
Education Andorian Military Academy- Indarax
Starfleet Academy- Indarax
Starfleet Flight Operations School- Indarax

Professional History

Service Chronology
2372 - 2373Cadet 1st YearCadetAndorian Military Academy
2373 - 2374Cadet 2nd YearCadetAndorian Military Academy
2374 - 2375Cadet 3rd YearCadetAndorian Military Academy
2375 - 2376Cadet 4th YearFlight Operations CadetStarFleet Flight Operations School
2376 - 2378EnsignFlight Control Officer A.I.G. Atlirith
2378 - 2380Ensign Flight Control Officer/Stellar Cartographer U.S.S. Vanyenberg
2380 - 2383Lieutenant (junior grade) Flight Control Officer/ Operations Officer U.S.S. Eagle
2383 - 2384Lieutenant (junior grade) Flight Control Officer/ Operations Officer A.I.G. Thris
2384 - 2386Lieutenant Chief Flight Control Officer A.I.G. Thris
2386 - 2386Lieutenant Chief Flight Control Officer U.S.S. Osiris
2386 - 2386LieutenantChief Flight Control Officer U.S.S. Arizona NCC-77021
2386 - Lieutenant CommanderChief Operations OfficerU.S.S. Arizona NCC-77021

2375- Graduated from Andorian Military Academy
- Entered Starfleet Flight Operations School

2376- Graduated SFOS as an Ensign

2376- AIG Atlirith, assigned as flight control officer

2378- Transfers to the USS Vanyenberg; Flight Control Officer/ Stellar Cartographer

2380- Transfers to USS Eagle, promoted to Lieutenant JG, Flight Control Officer/ Operations officer

2383- Transfers back to the AIG Thris- Flight Control Officer/ Operations Officer

2384- Promoted to Lieutenant, named Chief Flight Control Officer

2386- Transfers to USS Osiris; Chief Flight Control officer Promoted to Lieutenant

2387- USS Osiris decommissioned; transfers to USS Arizona- Chief Flight Control Officer.
- Becomes Chief of Operations
Service Record AIG Atlirith- Science/ Flight Control
USS Vanyenberg- Stellar Cartographer/ Flight Control officer
USS Eagle- Flight Control officer/ Operations Officer
AIG Thris- Operations Officer/ Flight Control Officer
USS Osiris- Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Arizona- Chief Flight Control Officer, later Chief of Operations

Medical Information

Medical Profile Xishaal was one of 100's of genetically altered Andorians whose body was altered to allow for reproduction with one partner instead of Four. Her Skeletal structure has been augmented to deal with being able to carry a child to term much in the same way as humans do. Her reproductive organs and other systems have also been altered to allow for this.
Psychological Profile Xishaal's personality is typical of all Andorians, appearing cold and humorless, seemingly only focused on pursuits that increase her own knowledge base rather than for the sake of "having fun". Having spent most of her career in Starfleet on Andorian crewed starships, she has had little if no interactions with humans in particular. As a Conn officer, she is efficent and driven. She doesn't seek out non Andorian interpersonal relationships and thus, has few non-Andorian friends.

Every moment spent not on duty is spent training and studying. She does have an innate appreciation for the Arts but is rarely moved by the artistic endeavors of others.

Xishaal remains tight lipped about her past, especially her interpersonal relationships. She is acutely aware of the "notoriety" her appearance on alien crewed vessels can bring at times, especially among "pink skins"

