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Mon Apr 4th, 2011 @ 7:11pm

Lieutenant JG Thomas Beliard

Name Thomas Beliard

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 31
Date of Birth August 13th, 2355
Place of Birth Uss Oklahoma
Nicknames/Aliases Tom, Tommy

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 155 lbs.
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Thomas Beliard has an average build, and a bald head. He has not visible scars, but his face looks old despite his age. His eyes show of intelligence and curiosity.


Spouse none.
Children none.
Father Lieutenant Marcus Beliard(Deceased)
Mother Lieutenant Commander Sasha Beliard(Deceased)
Brother(s) None.
Sister(s) Dr. Katherine Beliard-Coral,(35) Starfleet Science Division, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards.
Other Family Richard Coral, Brother in Law(35)
Samantha Beliard-Coral, Niece(5)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Thomas Beliard is a Scientist, through and through. His parents were both science officers with Starfleet, and Thomas and his sister were both born aboard the USS Oklahoma, an Oeberth class vessel on missions deep into the Beta Quadrant. Science has been in Thomas' blood for generations. He continues his family tradition of serving Starfleet and the scientific community.
Strengths Thomas is very methodical in his research. He holds Bachelor’s Degrees in Quantum Mechanics and Astrophysics, as well as completing work on his Bachelor’s in Warp Theory. His curious nature as to how all things, great and small, tick, has driven him to constantly conduct research, experiments, and learn as much as he can about the universe. He will never turn down a chance to discover something new.
Weaknesses Part of Thomas' drive for science is living up to his family’s traditions within the scientific community. He sometimes does not feel that he has contributed as much as his parents or sister have to the scientific community at large. This drives him to spend more time studying and less time interacting with those around him. He is not antisocial, but it does take him a while to warm up to people and to make friends.
Ambitions To be come well known for his Scientific Endeavors and gain the respect of the scientific community at large. Also he wishes to serve on a vessel that will appreciate his extensive knowledge.
Hobbies & Interests Thomas is quite a fan of Holodeck war games. Having never personally been involved in war, he lives out his desire to serve in combat, keeping his skills sharp. he is qualified with several Federation Standard Weapons, in Zero G combat, Squad Tactics and Combat Strategy. He also enjoys playing an old earth game called Texas Hold'em, and reading on the newest Scientific breakthroughs and discoveries in all fields of Science. He does not however have much of a social life.
Likes Thomas likes anything science. He constantly reads new papers on all areas of research. He also has an interest in tactics and combat, but has never had the chance to use what he has learned.
Dislikes Thomas is not known for truly disliking anything, except an earth vegetable called Brussel Sprouts.
Linguistic Abilities Fluent in Federation standard. Speaks some Klingon, Romulan, Ferengi and Bajoran.

Personal History

Personal History In 2355 Thomas was born to Marcus and Sasha Beliard aboard the USS Oklahoma, while mapping stellar debris in the Beta Quadrant. He is the younger brother of Katherine, 5 years his senior. The Oklahoma was on a deep space exploration mission that started just after Katherine was born. Being very used to starship life she was able to help her younger brother adjust to rarely leaving a starship, and making it feel like his home.

At age 5, after long years traveling back to known Federation space, Thomas and his family arrived at earth. Thomas' Parents took their children to meet Sasha's parents, their only living grandparents. Both were professors at Starfleet Academy. After a few months in drydock, the Oklahoma was ready to begin a new mission, this time closer to home. Thomas parents decided to let their children stay with Sasha's parents so that they could experience planetary life for a year or so.

Thomas learned to love Starfleet and all its wonderful offerings, but his sister began to prefer the stability of planetary life. On his sisters 11th birthday, she announced to the family that she did not wish to join Starfleet, but rather begin her education in science at the Federation science academy preparatory school. Her parents were reluctant to let her join so young, but knew that she would excel, so she left the family and began her education.

Thomas spent the next 7 years taking turns living with his parents on whatever ship they served on, and with his grandparents on earth, spending time with them and his sister.

In 2369, The USS Oklahoma was lost at the Battle of Wolf 359 during the Borg incursion into Federation space. Thomas was living with his grandparents and sister at the time. Both of his parents were lost along with all hands. The entire family was devastated. Thomas spent several months after the Borg had been beaten back in a severe depression. His Grandparents assumed that it was sorrow, but Thomas was mad that Starfleet had let science vessels participate in a battle. Scientists were not warriors. After months of depression, he explained this to his grandparents. It took some time, but they were able to reassure him, that his parents were officers in the military and that they knew the risks, even if only serving as scientists on a science Vessel.

With this realization, Thomas reaffirmed his desire to join Starfleet and serve the Federation as scientist and officer. In 2372 Thomas joined the Starfleet Academy. He began his Education and training with fervor. By the time he turned 18, he had already published two papers on Astrophysics, and was close to his associates. He graduated Starfleet academy in 2375 with honors. He was allowed by Starfleet command to stay on Earth long enough to finish his associates degree, which he did within the year.

After finishing his first Associates in Astrophysics, Thomas began his second, while aboard the USS Potemkin. He completed this degree in 2379, while serving as a science officer on the Potemkin.

In 2383, Both of Thomas' Grandparents were killed in a shuttle crash on Alpha Centauri during a scientist’s summit with various Federation delegates. Due to the closeness of the family, and the deteriorating mental state of his sister, Thomas was approved for an extended leave of absence to grieve and help his sister. After his leave of absence, with a letter of recommendation from his sister, Thomas asked to be assigned to Utopia Planetia in the science department. His request was approved. What was supposed to be a six month leave from starship duty turned into a 3 year assignment at Utopia Planetia in his sisters department. Together they tested new theories in warp design, Transwarp theory, and starship sensor designs. While there he began his Bachelor’s degree in Warp theory, a subject he became very familiar and interested in while working with his sister.

Thomas is now ready to rejoin the fleet and continue his Parents legacy of scientific exploration.
Education 2375: Graduated Starfleet Academy With Honors in Science.
2375: Earned Associates degree in Astrophysics.
2379: Earned Associates degree in Quantum Mechanics.
2381: Received certification in squad combat tactics, Federation weapons expertise, zero G combat and combat strategy.
2384: Began educational requirements for a Bachelor’s degree in Warp theory.

Professional History

Service Chronology 2375: Graduated Starfleet academy with honors in science
2376: Assigned to USS Potemkin as a science officer.
2380: Transferred to USS Aberdeen as a science officer.
2383: Given extended leave of absence after the death of his grandparents on Alpha Centauri.
Late 2383: Assigned to Utopia Planitia fleet yard in his sister’s department to assist in her research.
2385: Promoted to Lieutenant J.G.
2386: Transferred to USS Arizona.
Service Record Thomas' time aboard the Potemkin and the Aberdeen were mostly filled with running experiments on plant life or stellar objects the ships encountered. While well respected by his colleagues and superior officers, he did nothing extraordinary in either science or Starfleet. His time aboard both ships was quiet.

Thomas showed how brightly he could shine while at Utopia Planetia, while assisting his sister Katherine in her research into warp design and Transwarp theory. Twice, he reworked traditional designs of warp cores to improve efficiency of the Static Bubble as well as energy output, this reducing the power needed by a warp core push a ship along at FTL speeds. His sister was known to joke that he should be an engineer rather than a scientist. Taking the jokes in stride, Thomas one day announced he intended to get his Bachelor’s degree in Warp theory. His sister was surprised, but also happy for him that he would extend his knowledge to areas she was well familiar with. Over the next 2 years, when not in the lab with his sister, he spent his time studying Warp theory and earning the admiration of his colleagues. In 2385, He and his sister were both presented with the Jalhal award for their work on Warp drive efficiency, as well as the Daystrom award for excellence in science. He also received a promotion to Lieutenant J.G. They were both transferred to the experimental drive division and began working on Transwarp theory. Thomas also began experimenting with Sensor redesign to improve ranges and capabilities, earning him the J. Bruce Award in science at the end of 2385. The scholarship he earned from that award helped him progress in his Bachelor’s for Warp theory.

While Assigned to Utopia Planetia, Thomas published several articles in Warp theory, Transwarp theory, and 2 in Astrophysics. In early 2386, He decided that he needed a change of pace and location and requested permission to be transferred to an active starship so that he might advance his career in Starfleet. His sister was disappointed, but understood, and they made a promise to continue doing research together no matter how many stars stood between them.

Medical Information

Medical Profile Thomas has never had any Major Medical problems. His yearly Physicals come back excellent, and he has never been severely injured.
Psychological Profile Thomas has always been given a clean bill of mental health with two minor issues. He is listed as being somewhat antisocial and borderline obsessive compulsive.

