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Mon Apr 18th, 2011 @ 4:28am

Lieutenant JG Susan Barret

Name Susan Barret

Position Assistant Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 24
Date of Birth August 19, 2361
Place of Birth Thaipetha
Nicknames/Aliases Susie

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 157
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue-Green
Physical Description Susan prefers to keep her hair loose except when participating in Aikido or gymnastics. Partly due to her martial-arts/ gymnastics training, she has a trim figure and stays in good physical shape.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Federation Ambassador Roscoe Barret
Mother PO1. Ann Barret (Conner)
Brother(s) Lt. Dale Barret, USS Halibut
Sister(s) Laura Barret, 3rd year cadet SF Academy
Other Family Keri Barret, George Barret, Jane Simmons, Ann Conner, Richard Conner, Kristi Larson

Personality & Traits

General Overview She has few close friends outside her immediate family. She will quickly befriend a person but the relationship seldom will progress beyond simple friendship. While she would generally be described as docile, if pushed Susan will push back, especially when she is tired.
Strengths Linguistics, Geophysics, Anthropology, Stubborn
Weaknesses Astrophysics, Chemistry, little field experience, stubborn
Hobbies & Interests Pool, kayaking, Aikido, double-jack, gymnastics.
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard, Klingon, Vulcan, Latin, Cardassian, Delosian, Procyon.

Starting to learn Deltan

Personal History

Personal History On August 19, 2361, Susan was born on the planet Thaipetha. According to the laws of the Procyon Confederacy, of which Thaipetha was a member, this gave Susan citizenship in the confederacy. Susan has maintained her citizenship in the Confederacy as it may prove useful in the future.
In November of 2361, the family moved to Deneb Algedi. They would remain there until March, 2363 when Roscoe became Ambassador at Large for the United Federation of Planets, and was subsequently reassigned to the planet Yasidir which was considering admittance into the Federation. This would be the first of many moves made during Susan's childhood including Delos IV & New Impetus.
During the Dominion war the children were sent to live with various relatives, far from the front lines. Soon after the war's end, the Barret's were reunited on Matalas Prime.

All three children formed close bonds with one another, and became self-sufficient at an early age as a result of the frequent moves and long periods of absence by one or both parents. When not in school, the siblings could often be found on the holodeck playing a friendly game of pool. As they got older the games of pool grew less frequent as they found areas of studies they were interested in and began to immerse themselves in it. For Susan it was the sciences and languages aside from the Federation Standard and Vulcan she had been taught since she learned to speak. As a result by the time she enrolled in Starfleet Academy, Susan was able to fluently speak Federation Standard, Vulcan, Delosian & Procyon.
Education In 2380, Susan decided to enroll in Starfleet Academy with a major in Science and a minor in Communications. For language study she chose Cardassian as the Dominion War proved the Cardassians were still an force to be reckoned with. Continuing that trend, Susan started studying Klingon her fourth year at the Academy. Despite average grades throughout her first three years, she rallied her last year at the Academy to place 75 out of a class of 240. 
Susan was slow to warm up to her roommate, Kirsten Wagner, but by graduation the two of them were close friends. Growing up on Earth, Kirsten was an avid kayaker and the two would often spend free time running a kayaking program at one of the holosuites on campus. Upon graduation the two took a month off, traveling to the premiere kayaking spots on Earth. When the month was over, Kirsten left for the Dragon while Susan moved to the Starfleet Language Institute to continue her study of Klingon. Upon completion at the Institute. she was assigned to DS 14

Professional History

Service Chronology Starfleet Academy Year 1: 2380-2381
Year 2: 2381-2382
Year 3: 2382-2383
Year 4: 2383-2384

Starfleet Language Institute: Aug 2384- Feb 2385
DS14: 2385
USS Arizona: Current
Service Record Susan enjoyed the challenge DS14 provided until the entire station was accidentally transported to another universe. The crew managed to return the station to the standard universe, but not before a disastrous away mission resulting in the death of a member of the away team. Upon the station's return, Susan put in for and was granted a transfer. The transfer resulted in her assignment to the Arizona as a linguist.

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile Academy Entry Psych Eval
Dr. John Drainer
Counselor Starfleet Academy

Susan is a smart and independent young lady with strong family ties. She displays a high level of multicultural awareness and is fluent in several languages. She displays strong social skills but appears hesitant to form deep level friendships whic is likey due to her many moves growing up. I feel she will go far in Starfleet.

Psych Eval
Dr. Iy'dan Brell
Counselor DS14

"Lt Barret is dealing with a mild form of shock, but has been taking the appropriate steps to deal with it. I have released her from any further visits unless she feels the need."


Notes Residency List

Thaipetha, Aug-Nov 2361: Birth 4 Months

Deneb Algedi, Nov 2361-March 2363: 4 months- 2 years

Yasidor, 2363- 2366: 2-5 years

Gatria Prime, 2366-2368: 5-7 years

Sigma Volantis VI, 2368-2371: 7-10 years

Delos IV, 2371-2373: 10-12 years

USS Charger, 2373-2374: 12 years

Bristol Station, 2374: 12-13 years

USS Tautog, 2374: 13 years

SB K-5, 2374-2375: 13 years

Antoeta, 2375: 14 years

Matalas Prime, 2375-2378: 14-16 years

New Iapetus, 2378-2379: 16-17 years

Majaro IV, 2379-2380: 17-18 years