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Sun Jan 20th, 2013 @ 5:00am

Lieutenant Three of Seven

Name Three of Seven

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Borg (originally Ocampa)
Age 39
Date of Birth 2348
Place of Birth Ocampa (Homeworld)
Nicknames/Aliases Three

Physical Appearance

Height 4'7"
Weight 97 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Cerulean Blue
Physical Description The being identified as Three of Seven is only a brain (with partial skull/facial bone structure supporting it) with a truncated spinal column. Bone density scans estimate age at time of assimilation at approximately 5 or 6 months for an Ocampa. Due to bone marrow loss, the gender of the original being cannot be confirmed. Most of the external connection ports have been closed or removed, allowing his head to be re-dressed in a synthetic flesh covering.

Medical Technicians at the Daystrom Institute have provided Three with an android body, based on the research of Doctor Richard Korby. This mechanical and bio-synthetic shell is designed to appear humanoid and allow Three to function as a normal biped in most interstellar societies, including the ability to simulate breathing. The body is maintained by the flow of nanites and nanoprobes from Three's Borg components and is dependent on regeneration for sustaining function.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Three of Seven identifies itself as an individual, but as a machine and not necessarily a living being. It realizes that it was a life form at one time, in the past, but sees its continued existence as one of technological performance that is separate from any period of biological evolution. To that extent, Three demonstrates many traits that one might associate with a Vulcan.
Strengths Three does not sleep, eat, or breathe. It can operate, non-stop, for over a week under most circumstances. As its 'muscles' are mechanical and its exo-skeleton frame is duranium allow, Three is remarkably sturdy, fast, and powerful. Its Borg systems allow it to seamlessly interface with computer technology and assimilate vast amount of information, which it can then catalog, store, recall, and even download into other computer systems at will.
Weaknesses While not dependent on food or water for sustenance, Three of Seven is dependent on energy in order to regenerate the cybernetic components which sustain both its organic and inorganic parts. Prolonged separation from a power source would be the equivalent of starving it to death. Three also uses bio-neural gel as a bodily fluid, requiring the periodic replacement of the fluid.
Ambitions To reconcile his existence with an understanding of what is 'life', in search of an answer to the question 'who am I?'
Hobbies & Interests Dungeons and Dragons
Linguistic Abilities Three's ability to download and store information allows him to learn a language by downloading it to his memory. Normal languages kept on file are Federation Standard, Tellarite, Vulcan, Andorian, Klingon, Cardassian, Romulan, and Binary.

Personal History

Personal History Though unable to recall much of his/her life, the being now known only as Three of Seven has broken recollections taken from the hive mind of the Borg. He/She was assimilated on stardate 25569.7, when the Borg encountered a Kazon ship carrying Ocampa slaves on-board.

The Borg ignored the Kazon as being unworthy of assimilation but did add the Ocampa to its perfection. Because of the rapid manner in which Ocampa physically mature and their short lifespans, placing the five or 6 month old Ocampa child into a maturation chamber was not a feasible solution. Instead, the Borg adapted Three of Seven to serve as a specialized drone... one of seven long range, deep space exploration probes that were sent from the Delta Quadrant toward the Gamma Quadrant in 2348.

For this purpose, the child's head and spine were removed from the body. Most of the facial structure, such as the lower jaw and eyes, were removed in order to fit connector ports which would allow the child's brain to function as the probe's central processor. And it was in that state that Three of Seven existed for nearly 40 years. Drifting between quadrants, gathering immeasurable data for the Collective about the surrounding space and possible species for assimilation.

This continued until 2383, when the probe was discovered by the USS Hawking under the command of Commander Nathan Benjamin. Though several of the crew voiced concerns that the probe should be destroyed, Commander Benjamin's unique experience with the Borg allowed him to realize that this probe was, itself, a living drone. Though this initial description remains hotly debated by ethical and moral philosophers in the Federation, the Ocampa brain and spine were removed from the probe's housing and taken to the Daystrom Research Institute where scientists there were able to establish a rapport with the drone through a computer interface and - ultimately - an android body constructed to house and support the organic and inorganic components remaining of the assimilated child.

Today, Three of Seven's existence remains a point of contention. Though he/she has an organic brain, it is sustained by Borg cybernetic components independent of any trait used to measure life. He/she has no heart, lungs, stomach or even blood and needs neither food nor water to survive. Only energy to regenerate the Borg devices and nanoprobes that are its only necessary organs.

In 2385, Three of Seven was released from the Daystrom Research Institute in order to serve as a mission specialist on-board the USS Comanche, having been requested by then commanding officer Captain James Benjamin as the ship had just been assigned a mission to explore a possible Borg threat. For this purpose, Three of Seven was granted a warrant by Starfleet Command in order to serve in the ship's engineering department. During the mission, disaster led to some of the senior staff being killed - including the ship's chief engineer. This led to Three of Seven assuming responsibility for the ship's engineering department.
Education Starfleet Basic Training
Daystrom Research Institute - Advanced Computer and Cybernetic Systems

Professional History

Service Chronology 2385.1 - Starfleet Basic Training, Engineering Apprenticeship Core
2385.3 - Crewman, Computer Systems Specialist, USS Comanche
2385.5 - Brevet Warrant Officer, Acting Chief Engineer, USS Comanche
2386.1 - Promoted to temporary grade of Lieutenant Junior Grade, Starfleet
2386.2 - Assistant Chief of Operations, USS Arizona
2387.1 - Assistant Chief Engineer, USS Arizona
2387.4 - Chief Engineer, USS Arizona
Service Record Qualifications/Certifications:
- Bridge Officer
- Starship Warfare Officer (SWO)
- Engineering Officer of the Watch (EOOW)
- M/AA Reactor Control Officer

Medical Information

Medical Profile Three's android body uses bio-neural gel as a medium for transporting nanites and nutrients between the mechanical and organic portions of the anatomy. The majority of his organic or 'actual' self is located in the head. The spinal column is essentially the same bio-neural fiber that is used in Federation starships, beginning just below the 3rd vertebrae. The body has an organic flesh covering over a poly-duranium frame with an insulating pad of bio-neural fibers inbetween the skin and the metal frame, allowing for the transmission of tactical sensory perceptions from skin contact back to the cortical array.
Psychological Profile While Three identifies as an individual, his lack of experience or knowledge about organic life leads to his identifying with machines - a fact complicated by his close resemblance to technological units.

