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Thu Apr 7th, 2011 @ 4:26pm

Lieutenant Sophia Goodman

Name Sophia Ariadne Goodman

Position Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Female
Age 32
Date of Birth
Place of Birth Charon V Archaelogical Colony
Nicknames/Aliases "Soph"

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 4”
Weight 120 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Is an athletic woman of Aboriginal and European background. She has long hair and moves in a sleek and calm manner.


Spouse Unmarried
Children None, possibly aside from her pet cat named "Mr. Burns."
Father Spenser John Goodman
Mother Gwendolyn Mary Goodman
Brother(s) Commander Nigel A. Goodman
Other Family Appellate Court Alexander Goodman, UFP Court of Appeals. Uncle

Personality & Traits

General Overview Is deliberate, stubborn, honest, and pays close attention to details. Plays by the rules whenever possible, but knows the loopholes and when to apply them. Has assimilated and mixed her legal, negotiation, and law enforcement skills into a smooth blend.

Signed up after her best friend was killed in Dominion attack during Dominion war. Began with JAG Corps, and transferred over to Security seeking a more active role in Starfleet.

Possesses a sharp wit, and has workaholic tendencies.
Strengths Is persistent and thorough.
Weaknesses Tendency toward stubborness.
Ambitions To combine backgrounds in law, security, and criminal investigation in one package. Has done so by using her abilities in Criminal Investigation area. Has a keen desire for greater responsibility within Starfleet Security. To actually achieve a functioning personal life while advancing her career.
Hobbies & Interests Fencing, tennis, billiards, old earth detective novels, classical and blues music, plays the Clarinet, enjoys classic novels.
Likes Jazz music, cooking, poker, billiards, athletics, and fencing.
Dislikes Being confined to a desk, and not being able to employ her investigative abilities.
Linguistic Abilities Galactan, Klingonaas, Ferengi, French

Personal History

Personal History Talented young attorney from interstellar corporation family. is 1/4 aboriginal australian and 1/4 greek from dad's side of family, and 1/2 english form mom's. was born and raised on several colony worlds along with brother, and practically raised at corporate worksites. Was educated on full corporate scholarship. Never saw earth before University of Chicago.

Dad was starfleet security academy graduate before joining Interstellar Recovery Concepts (IRC).
Mom is a noted xeno-archaeologist with IRC for many years. Brother is a Starfleet Archaeologist who is currently assigned to Deep Space 14.

Sophia transferred to Starfleet Academy in aftermath of onset of Dominion War. Had just passed bar, when decided to apply. Has had specialized training in Ferengi studies. Is a very insightful thinker, with something of a barbed wit. Is frequently viewed as a interesting study in whimsy and directness. Has a nice side that she keeps veiled with professional exterior.

Served briefly in JAG at Starbase 120, and then transferred to security. Has undergone complete training, and been assigned to Deep Space 14 in criminal investigation.

Notable Possessions includes Foil, sabre, and related fencing gear. Tennis racket, custom pool cue (gift from Uncle Alex), Mother's clarinet.
Education Bachelors degree from Oxford, Law degree from University of Chicago, graduate of Starfleet Academy with focus on Security. Has trained talents in business, interstellar law, negotiations, and police investigations. Has been thoroughly trained in security procedures and applications.

Professional History

Service Chronology Starbase 120: 2377-2379
USS Nightingale: 2379-2381
Starfleet Academy: 2381-2383
Deep Space 14: 2383-2386

Service Record Served at Starbase 120 in both JAG and Starfleet Security. Transferred back to Star Fleet Academy for full training in security. Has performed well in her functions.

At Deep Space 14 served as Chief of Criminal Investigations Division.

Stardate 63557.63 - December 13, 2385 - Was promoted to Lieutenant and given the title Acting Security Chief.

Medical Information

Medical Profile Is a female human of Aboriginal and European background. Is a healthy 32 year old athlete who keeps fit with a variety of physical activities.
Psychological Profile Is deliberate, stubborn, honest, and pays close attention to details. Plays by the rules whenever possible, but knows the loopholes and when to apply them. Has a smooth surface, and keeps emotions guarded . Has lost several friends both before Dominion War and after. Took it badly, and has tried to adjust. Possesses a sharp wit, and has workaholic tendencies.


Notes While attending Starfleet Academy was noted privately by instructors as having an incredible amount of drive and work ethic toward mastering what she set out to do.