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Mon May 2nd, 2011 @ 8:16pm

Lieutenant Antoine Théroit

Name Antoine Maurice Théroit

Position Diplomatic Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human; Cajun descent
Age 32
Date of Birth 21 May 2353
Place of Birth Baton Rouge, Lousiana; North American Continent, Earth

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 192 lbs
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description


Spouse Single; unmarried
Father Phillippe A. Théroit
Mother Harriette V. Théroit [Lapierre]
Brother(s) Royce A. Théroit
Karel B. Théroit
Sister(s) Coralie Hachée [Théroit]
Laurene Tremblay [Théroit]
Julie Dubeau [Théroit]
Other Family Grandmother: Alexis Lapierre [Poirier]
Grandfather: Commander Brice Lapierre
Grandmother: Heloise Théroit [Brisebois]
Grandfather: Davet Brisebois
Aunt: Clarice Fremont [Lapierre]
Uncle: Bertrand Fremont
Aunt: Anne Gladu [Théroit]
Uncle: Fortun Gladu
Pet: Amélie; Airedale Terrier, canine

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Strengths · Conflict Resolution
· Mediation
· Point to detail
· Charisma
Weaknesses · Can be somewhat stoic
Ambitions Professional
· To receive a command of his own;
· To become a Federation Ambassador;
· & to be elected member of the Federation Council.
· To marry and to raise a family
Hobbies & Interests · Politics
· Sociology
· Anthropology
· History
· Architecture
· Archaeology
· Canyoneering
· Camping
· Canooing
· Hiking; Mostly backpacking
· Reading; mystery, crime, non-fiction, political thriller, science fiction, horror
· Music; can play the piano, guitar (bango), vioilin, saxophone and the trumpet; learning to play the trombone
· Sports; Skiing, Ice Hockey, Football, Soccer, Water Polo, Baseball, Basketball
· Swimming
· Holonovels
Likes · Organization
· Decorum
· Protocol
· Social Justice
· Humid & warm weather
· The beach
· Animals; Dogs & cats
· Rain
· Ice Cream; chocolate & Oreo
· Coffee; Preferably espresso or served dark, black
· Dr Pepper
· Slurpees; preferably Icees
· Debating
· Alcohol; rum (preferably dark & spiced), bourbon and cocktails (preferably hurricanes)
· Laughter
· The outdoors
Dislikes · Arrogance
· Intolerance
· Snow; freezing weather
Linguistic Abilities · Federation Standard
· Cardassian
· Trill
· Vulcan
· Cajun French
· German
· Klingon
· Romulan
· Spanish

Personal History

Personal History Antoine Maurice Théroit was born to parents Phillippe and Harriette Théroit on May 21, 2353 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He is the fourth of six children. His parents worked in the hospitality industry in owning several motels in Baton Rouge and a hotel in New Orleans. All have been in the family name since the mid-twentieth century. His grandfather on his mother side served in Starfleet before retiring in 2368. He inspired to join Starfleet at a early young age, his grandfather reported back and told stories of his adventures and encounters to his grandchildren.

After graduating from high school he attended university and obtained an undergraduate and a law degree to appease his parents wishes for him to go to university like his siblings. His father Phillippe offered him a position in the family business's legal department but he turned him down to enlist in Starfleet in 2377. He studied diplomatic studies and military law at the Academy before graduating a year early in 2380 due to his prior post secondary education.
Education Bachelor of Political Science & Intergalactic Relations, Louisiana State University [2375]
- Double major in Political Science & Intergalactic Relations with a focus in trade
- Minor in German
Bachelor of Law, Louisiana State University [2377]

Professional History

Service Chronology 2377 – 2380: Diplomatic Studies & JAG Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2380 – 2381: Ensign JG, Diplomatic Aide, USS Cyclops NCC-2074-C
2381 – 2383: Lieutenant JG, Diplomatic Officer, USS Cyclops NCC-2074-C
2383 – 2386: Lieutenant, Diplomatic Officer, USS Cyclops NCC-2074-C
2386 – 2387: Lieutenant, Diplomatic Officer/Starfleet Liaison, Federation Diplomatic Corps [On loan]
2387 – Present: Lieutenant, Diplomatic Officer, USS Arizona
Service Record

Medical Information

Medical Profile
Psychological Profile

