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Sun Sep 4th, 2011 @ 11:46am

Ensign Andrexi Callai

Name Andrexi Callai MD

Position Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 24
Date of Birth 11 November 2362
Place of Birth Medara, Betazed
Nicknames/Aliases Heir to the Third House

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 160
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Andrexi is of average height, with lean, toned build. The feature commonly noted as the most striking are his eyes, which are a radiant grey, with shades and tints which almost seem to reflect and refract the light.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Marro Callai (deceased)
Mother Tezana Callai
Brother(s) Andrus Callai (deceased)
Trellus Callai (deceased)
Sister(s) Ponn Callai (deceased)
Other Family Azara Callai (maternal grandmother - missing)
Tallas Callai (maternal grandfather - deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview A generally friendly man, Andrexi has a tendency to crack a joke when he is uncomfortable in a situation. He is intellectually curious, which has been known to get him into difficult situations from time to time.
Strengths Perhaps his biggest strength lies in his intuition, the gut feeling that there is more to a situation than is apparent.
Weaknesses His telepathy and empathy are still unfocused at times, largely due to the delay in training as his abilities began to manifest.
Ambitions His self-stated reason for joining Starfleet was that he wanted to become part of the galaxy’s most powerful peace keeping force, to try to prevent the disasters of Betazed and Cardassia from occurring again.
Hobbies & Interests A self-professed roller coaster aficionado, he has a love for thrill rides and has created multiple holodeck programs based upon historical records of amusement parks throughout the Federation. In addition, he enjoys designing and programming coasters of his own.
Likes People who smile, as well as making people laugh. In his time he’s seen devastation on planetary scales, and is a firm believer that life is too short not to seize the day and enjoy each one.
Dislikes He remains uncomfortable about his titles and has, thus far, managed to avoid coming to terms with being the heir to the Third House of Betazed. He remains undecided as to whether he should follow his family heritage and assume the role as the first patriarch of the Third House when the time comes or follow his heart and stay in Starfleet service as a medical doctor.
Linguistic Abilities Federation Standard, Betazoid, Vulcan, limited Dominionese

Personal History

Personal History Andrexi Callai was the youngest child born to Marro and Tezana Callai, heir to the matriarchy of the Third House of Betazed. While his sister, Ponn, was destined to become next in line for the matriarchy after their mother, the boys were raised to respect and honor the traditions, values, and virtues of their heritage.

At the age of 12, however, his life changed dramatically when the Dominion invaded the Alpha Quadrant and captured Betazed in 2374. Andrexi’s family escaped Medara, along with the majority of the capital city’s population, and relocated to a cousin’s farm. At first the occupation had little effect on his family’s region of the planet. Within a month, however, following several brilliant raids by a resistance movement in the area, Jem’Hadar soldiers began rounding up civilians they deemed capable of presenting a threat to the imposed regime. Ostensibly a campaign for information on the resistance, those taken into the custody of the Jem’Hadar were rarely seen again; those who did survive were perceived as guilty of providing information to the enemy.

Although Andrexi’s siblings went to join the resistance movement, he remained behind, being too young to fight and having no skills which the resistance would find useful. During one Jem’Hadar raid, he, his parents, and grandparents, were taken into custody. Andrexi was separated from his family and entered into the standardized interrogation routine, alternately questioned by Jem’Hadar and Vorta for a period of days. He was eventually released into an internment camp, where he managed to locate his grandfather, Tallas.

After several days of searching to no avail for information on the rest of the family, the prisoners were taken to a nearby field to prepare it for cultivation of crops for supplies. Upon reaching the field and seeing heavy digging equipment, as well as several patches of recently upturned Earth, Tallas realized the awful truth. As the Jem’Hadar began firing their rifles into the crowd of civilians, Tallas stepped in front of Andrexi and wrapped his arms around him to shield him. The fatal blast struck Tallas in the back with sufficient force to travel through his body and strike Andrexi in the chest as well. The pain in his own body, as well as having his fragile, newly developed mental abilities overwhelmed by the deaths of his grandfather and those around him, caused Andrexi to collapse unconscious beneath Tallas’s body. During their search and examination of the bodies, the soldiers shot, kicked, or stabbed at those they suspected may have survived the executions. Andrexi awoke several hours later to darkness. A Betazoid voice calmed his fears as they treated his pulse rifle burn, along with a stab wound and a head injury from the search of the bodies. He was carried away and treated further. When his vision began to return nearly two weeks later, he saw his savior for the first time – a grizzled old man named Myza, who served as a medic for the resistance movement.

During his recovery he watched the man valiantly strive to save the lives of those injured in the fighting – resistance and civilians alike. Believing his entire family to be dead and seeing no place for him in the society the Dominion had imposed upon them, Andrexi began working with Myza to treat the wounded. He jumped in enthusiastically to learn his new occupation and, within three months, Myza deemed him to be “a passable medic.” As he began nearly subconsciously learning Dominionese, the leaders of the resistance cell which had rescued him realized he had an aptitude for language and saw a potential advantage. They began allowing him to participate in operations in a medical and linguistic capacity.

Following the war, Andrexi was reunited with his mother to learn that his father and three siblings had also died during the occupation. His grandmother – the matriarch of the Third House – is still officially listed as missing, although evidence exists suggesting that she may have survived captivity. As a result, his mother was elevated to acting-matriarch of the Third House and Andrexi was named as heir.

After graduating from high school, Andrexi applied and was accepted into the Starfleet Academy medical program.
Education 2377-2380: Azadi High School
2380-2384: Starfleet Academy

Professional History

Service Chronology 2380: Entered Starfleet Academy.
2384: Graduated from Starfleet Academy with a degree in multi-species medicine and a focus on emergency medicine. Commissioned as Ensign. Volunteered for medical services in the humanitarian relief effort with Project Arrowhead.
2386: Assigned as Medical Officer to USS Arizona.
Service Record

Medical Information

Medical Profile The name “Callai” translates literally from Old Betazoid to “grey eyes.” Since ancient times, members of the Third House have been recognized for a benign mutation of the gene controlling the expression of eye color. As a result, rather than the black eyes of the general populace, members of the Third House typically have radiant grey eyes.

He has a small scar in the center of his chest related to his time spent under Dominion occupation that he has thus far declined to discuss or have cosmetically removed.
Psychological Profile Andrexi Callai’s telepathic abilities emerged explosively during adolescence, during the Dominion invasion and occupation of Betazed. Never having been afforded the traditional mental training at the time of emergence, his telepathic and empathic abilities remain relatively unfocused and unpredictable. However, his sessions with Starfleet counselors have begun to afford him the opportunity to correct this deficit.

His background suggests a history significant for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unintentional flashbacks have occurred during training simulations, which have on occasion temporarily rendered him ineffective in the field. Because of this unpredictable response, caution is advised when placing him in potentially hostile situations unless immediate supervision is available. Continued professional counseling and therapy is also highly recommended.


Notes Historically, the thirteen oldest houses of Betazed served as the aristocracy of Betazoid society; their members were born into religious and spiritual nobility and were in line for the throne, with leadership based upon a matriarchy. Each house held a theme, centered around a particular spiritual concept or virtue. As Betazoid society transitioned to democracy and then on to membership within the Federation, the aristocracy gradually gave way to a traditional legacy. No longer were they viewed as nobles, but rather as representatives connecting Betazed’s present to its celebrated heritage. To that end, House members no longer hold political power, but remain respected as they are seen as honoring tradition and exemplifying the virtues which have become central tenets in Betazoid society.