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Wed Feb 22nd, 2012 @ 12:07am

Lieutenant Jasad Broca

Name Jasad Broca

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Cardassian
Age 59
Date of Birth Earth Date January 12, 2327
Place of Birth Cardassia
Nicknames/Aliases 'Fudge,' a name that stuck with his fellow cadets when he exclaimed 'Oh, Fudge!' during the Kobayashi Maru simulation at Starfleet Academy. He had picked up the phrase from a Texas girl he dated briefly while on leave between semesters at the academy, and was surprised to find it so humorous to his fellow cadets. More recently, 'Bronco' has been favored by the Commodore of the Arizona.

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 180#
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Thin, athletic build with neatly combed dark brown hair. At the age of 59, he is entering early middle age for Cardassians, but remains quite vigorous and fit. Like many Cardassians in his age group (such as Gul Dukat or Garak of DS9 fame) he looks far younger than his years.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Jaral Broca, aged 89
Mother Berila Broca, aged 87
Brother(s) Geril Broca, aged 69
Sister(s) Sesta Broca, aged 71
Other Family None of note

Personality & Traits

General Overview Generally obedient and soft spoken, he can make himself heard when the matter warrants it. Having lost everything he loved due to a crisis of conscience, he is well acquainted with pain and depression. Overcoming disappointments and setbacks served to strengthen his character, and now he moves through his life like an Ox, steadily plodding his way towards personal success. Since defecting to the Federation, he has endured countless incidents of racism, and has grown somewhat immune to personal insults as a result. This, combined with a long residence on Vulcan, has given him the ability to sublimate his passions when they prove inappropriate.
Strengths Strong willed without being obnoxious. An expert in his field. Always eager to learn. Tempered by life. Has an eidetic memory, common to all Cardassian children thanks to primary school memory training methods common on the Cardassia of his youth.
Weaknesses Is beginning the process of physical decline. While still fit, he knows he will be less so every year. He feels the ticking clock of life and yearns to make a success of himself before he becomes too old. While he does not often show it, he is perturbed to see younger, greener officers rapidly promoted past him. He suspects that his race is partially responsible for his lack of upward mobility, with the pain of the Cardassian War and the Dominion conflict still fresh in the minds of many senior officers. His bitterness at this perceived discrimination sometimes surfaces in subtle sarcasm, which does nothing to help his case. It is a personality failing he is always trying to overcome. Also suffers vertigo in weightless conditions, possibly a side effect of living so long on a higher-gravity world. Is allergic to anesthezine.
Ambitions Jasad's immediate goal is to become the top-ranking member of the Engineering department and a trusted member of the Captain's senior staff. Long-term, he hopes to gain a command of his own before he retires from the service. Meanwhile, he is interested in pursuing his lifelong study of warp propulsion, and hopes to maintain access to cutting-edge warp propulsion systems.
Hobbies & Interests Jasad enjoys jogging and swimming. He has a deep, lifelong interest in the field of warp propulsion.
Likes Enjoys Apple Cider, Sushi, Caramels, and Klingon Opera.
Dislikes One of the few Cardassians who dislikes Kanar. Hates cold temperatures. Suffers from Vertigo in weightless conditions.
Linguistic Abilities Speaks Cardassian, Vulcan, Klingon, and English

Personal History

Personal History Jasad Broca was the beloved youngest son of two loving Cardassian parents. He was a brilliant student who completed schooling at the age of sixteen and signed on with the Cardassian military. He completed basic training, Engineering training, and Officer candidacy within three years. A promising young graduate, he was promoted to 'Gil' and assigned to the Trager, a Galor class starship.

This promotion and assignment coincided with the start of the Cardassian-Federation war, and promised much opportunity for advancement. Unfortunately, he lost everything when he refused to follow orders he did not agree with during the Setlik III engagement. Captured by Federation forces and acquitted of war crimes, he requested asylum in the Federation lest he be returned to Cardassia merely to be executed for his crime of disloyalty. Although he was granted asylum, he knew he had dishonored his family and that their fortunes would be crippled by the stain he had placed upon them.

After moving to Vulcan for its warm climate, dispassionate populace, and technological expertise, he was granted admission as a student at the prestigious Vulcan Science Academy. He obtained degrees in Warp Propulsion and Subspace Physics, and went on to teach the Cardassian language there, specializing in technical terminology. During this time, he became an official citizen of Vulcan and the Federation at large.

When the Cardassian-Federation treaty was finalized in 2370, he applied and was accepted to Starfleet Academy. His academy experience officially began in 2371 when he arrived on Earth, and continued to 2374. After graduation, he was assigned as an Ensign aboard the Ambassador class ship USS Shras, and participated in the final engagements of the Dominion War. Fighting his countrymen was difficult, but he managed. When the Cardassians turned against the Dominion, he was proud of them. Visiting home after the war ended in 2375 to participate in Federation aid and reconstruction efforts, he was relieved to find that his family had survived the war. However, he was dismayed to learn that his family had disowned him, considering him a traitor to Cardassia. They were not interested in his reasons.

Jasad served aboard the USS Shras until 2386, when he was promoted to Lt. j.g. and assigned to the USS Arizona. This was an exciting assignment for him, because the warp propulsion systems on the Arizona were a generation beyond the Ambassador Class in terms of technological sophistication, still considered state of the art a decade after they were first introduced.

Jasad's tour on the Prometheus class Arizona was a difficult one. The ship was thrown to an apocalyptic future where species 8472 was in the process of scouring the galaxy. Endless, restless battle was a daily experience, till finally the Arizona itself was destroyed as she gave her last gasp. Along the way, Jasad was terribly disfigured by a plasma burn. When the Arizona's crew finally returned to their own time on a futuristic star cruiser, his physical wounds were healed... but the experience would forever leave its mark on his personality.

Made more grizzled and hard by his experiences, Jasad is now a less ambitious man concerned with duty over career advancement. Ironically, this new attitude may serve to further his career more than his old egocentric approach. He recently reported for duty on the new Arizona, a Sovereign class ship being commanded by the same old Curmudgeon- Commodore Cowell.
Education General Engineering Certification from the Cardassian Military
Degrees in Warp Propulsion and Subspace Physics from the Vulcan Science Academy
Certified as Warp Specialist, Matter-Antimatter Specialist, and Subspace Specialist by Starfleet Academy

Professional History

Service Chronology [Cardassian Service]

2343 Completed schooling and received parental dispensation to join the Cardassian military at age sixteen.
2344 Completed Basic Training, Engineering Specialist Training
2345 Completed Officer Candidacy School
2346 Promoted to the rank of Gil and assigned to the Trager as Second Shift Officer in Engineering
2347 Commanded one of thirteen squads that beamed down to Setlik III to participate in a pre-emptive strike. Refused orders to fire on civilians and was replaced by the assistant squad leader and placed under arrest. Was later captured by Federation forces responding to the Setlik III massacre.

[Exile Years]

2348 Tried for war crimes by a Federation court and was acquitted. Requested asylum in the Federation to avoid a certain death sentence waiting for him on Cardassia.
2349 Moved to Vulcan to take advantage of the warm climate, dispassionate populace, and technological expertise. Enrolled in Vulcan Science Academy via the foreign student program.
2352 Graduated from Vulcan Science Academy
2353-2369 Hired on as Cardassian Language Instructor teaching advanced technological terminology while continuing studies to obtain second degree and remain current on Engineering developments.

[Starfleet Service]

2370 With the signing of the Cardassian Peace Treaty, enrolls and is accepted into Starfleet Academy
2371 First Year Cadet, Starfleet Academy - Broke two ribs during training exercise. Completed basic combat, engineering systems training.
2372 Second Year Cadet, Starfleet Academy - Completed Courses on Warp Theory, Matter-Antimatter systems, and Subspace Physics
2373 Third Year Cadet, Starfleet Academy - Completed Basic Shuttlecraft Flight Certification, Completed Leadership training.
2374 Fourth Year Cadet, Completed Kobayashi Maru simulation training, Assigned to USS Shras after graduation.
2375 Participated in final battles of Dominion War. Received Citation for Bravery in helping to repel a Cardassian boarding party.
2376 Participated in Federation Aid and Rebuilding efforts on Cardassia Prime. Received 'Operation Reconstruction' task force citation.
2377-2380 Departed Cardassia Prime and began assignment with the Shras on a 'goodwill cruise' in the Delta Quadrant.
2381-2385 On assignment with the Shras to tour 'Outlying starbases and outposts of the Federation.'
2386 Promoted and assigned to the USS Arizona
Service Record Certifications in Warp Theory, Subspace Physics, MARC systems, Basic Combat, Basic Engineering, Basic Shuttle Piloting, and Leadership
Personal Citation for Bravery
Fleet Citation for participation in the Dominion War
Task Force Citation for participation in Operation Reconstruction, an aid mission to Cardassia

Medical Information

Medical Profile A healthy Cardassian male in early middle age, completing the first third of his life-cycle. Is allergic to anesthezine. Has previously broken two ribs due to a fall while performing climbing exercises at Starfleet Academy.

*Update - Lost half his face in a plasma burn. Due to circumstances, he carried the disfiguring wounds for nine months. He recently underwent cosmetic surgery at Starbase 001 which fully restored his features, but he carries emotional trauma from the event.
Psychological Profile Suffers from Vertigo in weightlessness. Can only overcome this with difficulty, and it is recommended that he attend regular psychological support sessions to mitigate this problem. The problem does not appear to be physical in nature. Occasionally suffers from mild depression and melancholia, using work and study as a means to overcome it. Suffers from feelings of inadequacy and racial persecution, though he does not express these sentiments easily. Monthly counseling should be mandatory for this officer.

*Update - Lost half his face in a plasma burn. Due to circumstances, he carried the disfiguring wounds for nine months. He recently underwent cosmetic surgery at Starbase 001 which fully restored his features, but he carries emotional trauma from the event.

