Season Two; From the Shadows Cometh...

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Season Two marks the beginning of the USS Arizona's adventures in the Delta Quadrant. This mission will center around events that shall be taking shape as the Arizona combats the shadow organization, Section 31, and their designs at causing strife in the last great frontier for the Federation.

Group Post Count: 147

Included Missions

Too Close for Comfort...

Post Count: 72

With only enough time to lick their wounds, the USS Arizona has been tasked with the mission of discovering why the Archadian Confederacy has suddenly cut off all contact with Starbase 900 and the Federation as a whole. It is feared that something has happened within the government that has changed their attitude and disposition on being a protectorate of the Federation. Such a shift in attitude might cost the Federation their foothold in the Delta Quadrant, something that simply can not happen...

Tomorrow's Arizona

Post Count: 75

The USS Arizona, under the command of Commodore Nathan Cowell, is forced to depart the Round Table after the abysmal failure that constituted their efforts to investigate strange happenings on the surface of Archadia III. The crew strike out for the unknown, determined to put distance, both physical and mental, between themselves and the planet as a way to overcome the failure and perhaps regain some confidence and pave the way for future success. All too soon, however, the crew of the USS Arizona will be tested beyond measure by something neither machine nor being with an agenda ineffable by anyone on the ship, her Captain included...

This mission was originally conceptualized by Lt. Commander Aix (Tom) and modified for presentation to the crew by the Arizona Command Staff.