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Log 3

Posted on Tue Aug 2nd, 2011 @ 8:49am by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

*log turns on*

What the fuck?! We have been....I can't even describe what we have's out of our control and I DO NOT LIKE IT! I've just been at the Senior Staff meeting and found out..well squat. Excellent......I think the computer can sense the sacrasm dripping off of me right now. Well, at least the Old Goat gave me something to do. Now, as soon as Sleeping Beauty contacts me we can correlate our head counts and see who's missing, who's hurt, who's stuck...yadda...yadda...yadda.

In the meantime, while I'm running the scans, I have to admit...I haven't felt murderous tendencies in decades. But performing the physical on Broca...I'd felt my blood boil just like all those times back on familiar and comfortable as it scared me. I thought I was over that obstacle...I thought I had left the blood fever at the sight of a Cardassian behind.

I need to talk to Ral soon, and get this back under control. I can't afford to let it get the best of me. Not now when things are finally looking up for me. Note to self, bitch Spotty out first chance you get...this whole fuckup is somehow his fault. I'm sure of it. Well...can very well bitch out the Old Goat...not yet anyway....

*sounds of frustrated growling*

Speaking of Spotty....I need to take up meditation again....I've been far too edgy lately. If I don't reign it in soon, I'll blow a gasket...and that's not going to be good.

At least the Kid is making my days. That one has more guts than a lot of old, hardened veterans I know. If I can help it, Andrexi Callai will go far in the world of medicine.

*log turns off*


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