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What shall we do on Leave?

Posted on Thu Jan 31st, 2013 @ 10:52am by Lieutenant Tre Boid & Senior Chief Petty Officer Cory Pomerantz

Mission: Funzone
Location: Security Office

Tre was not looking forward to having a discussion with Cory about what they were going to be doing on "shore leave", but like most bad news, it was better to get it over with sooner rather than later. So, following his conversation with Three of Seven, Tre headed to the security office, where he had little doubt that Cory would be. He hadn't liked going to the "bullpen" on the Zeebrugge, because they often treated him as if he were dangerous, being the counselor. Hopefully, it would not be the same case here on the Arizona.

The bullpen was a large room with several desks and consoles, all with various information being displayed. Cory was at the far end, sitting at a larger desk than most of them, looking over a variety of PADDs. Tre could see him muttering under his breath as he walked up. "Hey, you look troubled."

"Aye, got two dozen men who want off for the liberty, but I've got to deny some of them to make sure things get tended here on the ship. On the Zee, it all ran like a well oiled machine, this for that, and it worked. Whoever was in my role before me, though, didn't know what the fuck he was doing, and leave schedules aren't logged, so there's no way for me to tell what's fair and what's not." Cory said, leaning back. "I might just run a few of the shifts myself."

"Ah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Can we walk for a minute?" Tre asked, which caused Cory to raise an eyebrow in question. It was unusual for Tre to talk to Cory in private, he talked about most things openly. That was one thing Cory loved about Tre, his openness.

Cory nodded and stood up, "Certainly. Chief Kalher, I'll be back in a minute. Counselor needs to talk to me."

"Righto, Senior." A tall woman said as she sat down at a console. Tre sighed and started heading out of the bullpen, at least he wasn't getting awkward looks this time.

Once they were outside of the bullpen, Tre looked around to make sure no one was listening. "You can't take the shifts. I need you on the FunZone."

"What the hell are you talking about, Tre? We just had leave, it's not fair of us to take leave now when others deserve it."

"We're not doing leave. They are, don't get me wrong there. Listen, um, things are not what they seem." Tre said, his voice hushed. "FunZone's lost over a hundred people that were last seen there. No one's heard from them, it's been going on for months. Admiral-Captain Cowell had Three of Seven, yeah, don't ask me why, put together a team of investigators. That included me. I insisted on you. So... don't give me that look, Cory."

Cory was giving him a rather incredulous look, along with looking slightly offended. "I know you were a Peacekeeper and all, and once did that thing where you went undercover a few times, but really? You're a counselor not an investigator. And I actually am."

"Three said it was because he didn't want to step on Ensign Sheen's toes. And that my telepathy would help if the hundred people were being held hostage or something." Tre said, shrugging slightly. "But this is all hush hush quiet, subterfuge. So, you have to figure out how to give yourself leave. Make it look like you're giving yourself leave at least."

"Wonderful. Two days aboard, already a clusterfuck. Gotta love it."

"Aye, but what can we do? Listen, I'll provide more information, whatever I'm given, over dinner." Tre leaned over and kissed Cory on the cheek. "Have a good day. When we get to the FunZone, we'll discuss things more."


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