Posted on 05 Nov 2016 @ 9:30pm by Commander Paul Toddman & Lieutenant Kina Hena MD
Prelude; Breakfast at Curmudgeon's
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: MD -1 : 1700
Sick bay was far from ready for departure, but they had a few days left before they had to have everything on board. So far, they'd gotten the necessary medicines, but she was having trouble getting spare equipment. The tricorders were no issue- everyone carried extra of those as well as dermal and sub-dermal regenerators- but the starbase failed to see why she was requesting two spare bio beds. One was standard and should be enough, they said and she didn't need a second. Still, she insisted on two and reiterated that she wanted at least two backups for all common equipment.
Never mind. Kinda was stubborn. She would get two extra bio beds.
Right now, though, she was preparing to start physicals. She had made up a schedule and sent notices to all senior staff. Her first victim- er, patient- was due any moment.
As if on cue, the main doors to sickbay parted and the frame of Paul Toddman strolled through carrying a cargo buffer in his hand. Physicals were not his favourite past time and right now he had a lot of work to do. But, experience had taught him to grit his teeth and get it over and down with, besides he needed to deliver a cargo buffer to the good doctor. He spied her immediately as he entered.
"Ah, Doctor. I have a wee something for you, care of the Starbase quartermaster" Paul said as he offered her the device and the accompanying remote.
Kinda blinked, brow wrinkling, as she took the items from him. "Thanks," she said, then blinked again. "What is it?"
Paul smiled, of course the doc wouldn't know what it is. "In short its a miniature pattern buffer with the pattern of over a ton of medical equipment in the system. You can select the item you want from the screen on the remote, press "Re-materialise" and presto, you have it. Oh... and your two bio beds are in there too".
Kina gasped and then broke into a huge smile. "Oh, my goodness!" she exclaimed. "Seriously? I could kiss you! I won't, but I could. I didn't even have to beg or bribe for it!"
"No worries, Doc. Tis all part of the service" Paul beamed. He then nodded his head toward a bio bed. "Well, I suppose you'll want me over there". Paul didn't wait for an answer. He unzipped his uniform jacket, sat on the bio bed and placed the jacket beside him.
"Oh, yes, right," said Kina, setting the buffer on a nearby counter top reluctantly. "Have you any complaints, Commander?" she asked as she pulled out her tricorder and began her scans.
"Not really no. Just the odd bit of aching on one or both of my shoulders from time to time due to the old war injuries. Tip top apart from that" Paul answered cheerfully. The novelty of being back on a ship hadn't quite worn off yet.
Kina couldn't help but grin at him. He was so chipper! "Well, that's good," she said, making a mental note to check his shoulders more closely. "I mean, not the shoulders, obviously, but everything else. When people are healthy, my job is easy. But, then I'm bored so... It's a catch 22."
"I hear that. Well, if things go as badly as the skipper is worried about, you'll soon have your hands full!" Paul said.
"I seriously hope he is wrong," Kina replied darkly. "I know it would mean more boredom for me, but I would gladly take boredom if it means everyone is well." She finished the primary scans and switched to secondary ones.
"Well, I do too. But I'll tell you something, El-Aurians are not ones to exaggerate. They mostly listen. But when they speak, it is we that need to listen. There is a reason this ship has almost three times as many spare parts, supplies and equipment." Paul said, somewhat matter of factly but still in a friendly tone.
"From what I hear, that's true," she replied. "Unfortunately for us. But, well, I suppose it's better to have some warning. Perhaps."
"In my experience, you can never have enough warning. You can plan, sure. But no plan survive contact with the enemy. But, this is a capable ship with a good crew and a good captain. I'm certainly we'll prevail." Paul said with a smile.
"I sincerely hope you're correct," she replied as her tricorder beeped at her. She frowned at it and made an adjustment. "It's showing slightly elevated cholesterol levels."
"Oh, that'll be the Scottish home cooked cuisine, I've been on shoreleave for 2 years. Bound to take a toll in some way!" Paul offered. He knew he had been a little lax in his fitness regimen while at home.
Kina nodded. "We'll have to keep an eye on it," she said, closing her tricorder. "I want to see you again in six weeks to make sure it's going back down again. Otherwise, you're cleared for duty."
"Why thank you, Doc" Paul said as he jumped down from the bio bed and started putting his uniform jacket back on. "Do let me know if I missed anything in the cargo buffer." With that he smiled, nodded a gentlemanly good bye and headed off out of sickbay, to continue about his day.
Kina grinned after him. If only all her patients could be as agreeable as that.