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The Engineer

Posted on Mon May 16th, 2011 @ 12:41pm by Lieutenant JG Evanim Chall

Mission: Shore Leave 2; Picking Up the Pieces
Location: Engineering
Timeline: After 'Getting Underway...'

Petty Officer Second Class Zander Devereux stomped down the halls of the Arizona after his arrival from the Casey. He didn't mind that, it would mean having steady supplies when he needed it that a rogue ship couldn't exactly get every day. What he did mind was being told that he could take the tool kit that he had customized on the Casey. Some mumbling or other about supplies not being steady was all he could get from the Assistant Chief Engineer.

"Oh well," He muttered as he stormed into Engineering. "I'm looking for..." He glanced at the PADD in his hand. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Evanim Chall." He looked at the shoulders of any of the officers in the room, seeking out the hollow gold pip that would indicate a Lt. JG. On the PADD, he had a list of things that he wanted for his new tool kit: Antimatter Regulator, Cutter Beam, Decouple, Duotronic Probe, EJ-7 Interlock, Laser Welder, Tri-corder, and last but not least, Duct Tape. Other accessories, he could acquire as he went along. By the look of the ship that he had seen so far on his router from the Transporter Room, he was also going to need a miracle.

The Bolian engineer had gone from what felt like a demotion to a promotion in a matter of no time at all since arriving onboard the Arizona. While the new title of Chief Engineer kept him busy, it was also more fulfilling than any other position he had held before. Taking things one day at a time was the only way Chall could get through the Galaxy class sized list of repairs that needed to be done to the vessel. As he was about to start working on repairing the sensor grid, he heard someone call out his name. He turned to see an unfamiliar Petty Officer standing a few meters behind him looking a little lost. "I'm Lieutenant Chall. Something I can do for you?

Zander looked at the Bolian and nodded. "Yes, Lieutenant Chall. I'm Petty Officer Second Class Zander Devereux, your new Damage Control Specialist. This beauty of a ship looks like it could use a makeover and I need a few tools so I can help get her up to par." He handed the man the PADD with the list of things that he would need. "Mind you, if you just point out the way, I can get them myself and get started if you have other things to do."

'Finally we'll get some extra relief here' Chall thought. "If you can find a tool kit that isn't being used, you're welcome to it. They're typically stored in that room over there." He said pointing to a small room next to the CEO's office "But with all the damage we took you'll be lucky to find what you need in there. I suppose you could always replicate what you don't have, but try not to make a habit of that." Chall then pointed to a screen hanging a little overhead on one of the walls of Engineering "That's our priority list. Weapons, shields, and exterior hull damage are occupying most everyone's time, but sensors, impulse engines, and a score of other systems could use some love too."

Giving a quick salute, PO2 Devereux went into the room and cobbled together a makeshift tool kit, grumbling all the while under his breath about not having supplies where they were supposed to be. Still, with all the chaos, it was understandable that something not be where it was was supposed to. Getting a Duotronic Probe, Antimatter Regulator, and a Decoupler, he picked up a tri-corder and hung it from his waist. Coming out of the room, he went to the wall and ran down the Critical list, still muttering. Finally, he turned to the Chief. "Where's the standard replicator, Chief? A man can't operate without coffee and Duct Tape."

Chall chuckled from underneath the sensor control console "Good luck finding one that still works here EPS manifold blew during the fight and fried 'em all. The industrial ones work fine, but I've had coffee out of that thing...not a pretty picture." He pointed to the door to Engineering "Theres an open set of crew quarters down the hall. D26 I think. We've been using that one for food and coffee runs. Until they reassign that room that is." The Bolian said with a more hearty laugh "Then maybe the replicators will make it higher up the priority list." He slid out from underneath the console and pointed to a tool laying on the floor next to Zander "Throw me that hyperspanner will ya?"

Zander bent down and grabbed the hyperspanner and handed it to the Chief. "I'll still need a cup if anything is going to get done around here." Turning, he went to the industrial replicator. "Duct Tape, one hundred meter roll, extra strong." He waited until the roll of God tape appeared, then put it in his partly assembled tool kit. Next, he scrunched up his face and looked at the machine. "I want coffee. Ten parts coffee, one part T-49 engine grease, and nine sugars." Eying the substance and the cup it materialized in, he took a deep sniff before tasting it. Swishing it around in his mouth, he nodded. "Just like Mom used to make." Satisfied, he gave a nod of approval before wading into the bowels of the engine room.

'There was once a man from Nantucket, who had a...." He started to sing as he began running a diagnostic on an EPS conduit, words floating back over his shoulder between cursing, the sounds of equipment being manhandled, debris being tossed aside, and rather noisy gulps of coffee. "...suck it!" Grabbing the Duotronic Probe, he began to regulate the plasma flow through the damaged nacelle at ten percent before cutting it off again. Mumbling to himself, he broke out a Decoupler and began the hard task of making the needed adjustments to the Arizona could get under way again.


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